Nos pensées fragiles

Goti'a Benh. Goblin. EST.

Goti'a Benh is a Keeper of The Moon Miqo'te that hails from the South Shroud. He is a mortician by trade, and has spent the last 12 years of his life living alone off clanlands, starting a small funeral home alongside his youngest sister by the name of La Petite Mort.While kindhearted by nature, he is not the most sociable creature, and can be hard to get to know if approached incorrectly.

Currently, he has taken up traveling and new educational avenues thanks to the help of his partner, leading to an indefinite hiatus of his funeral parlor services.These will return publicly eventually, but if you would like to discuss a private service, please contact him.

guidelines & ooc.

ooc info.

cyrano cole - artist, perpetually tired ( she/her )


discord. shirakotoko


I am 25+ and I only RP with those that are over 20 irl. This is for my own comfort, and due to the topics I discuss and am interested in.


I am very fond of darker topics that may be distressing or triggering for others, such as but not limited to: discussion of childhood trauma or discussion of self harm. These things are integral parts of his character, and I will not pretend they are not. Please keep this in mind.


Goti'a is in a committed monogamous relationship and will not engage in romantic or erotic rp with any other characters. If you try to push it, I will not speak to you further.


I am a paragraph / multi-para writer. While it's not mandatory that you are as well, it's easier for me to work with multi line responses.


Goti'a looks basically nothing like his ingame model, please refer to the Gallery section.


I am not my character! Fiction does not = Reality!

Autant se voiler la face

Bien romancée cette histoire semblait si belle tu sais.

Mais confrontée au réel.

  name.    Goti'a Benh
  age.    36
  race.    Miqo'te - Keeper of the Moon
  birthday     October 5th
  deity.     Menphina
  gender.     Male
  pronouns.     he/him
  sexuality.     Gray-Asexual

  height.     6ft 2in
  weight.     265lb
  hair color.     Deep Brown w/ Cream highlights
  eye color.     Muted Lavender
  skin tone.     Chestnut Brown w/ Purple undertones
  notable features.     Yellowed chipped teeth, Yellowed sclera, Strong roman nose, Patchy stubble, Missing left eye— scarred left lid

  trade.    Mortician / Undertaker
  from.     Black Shroud ( Benh Clanlands )
  home.   Wherever Padu is
  family.    5 siblings, countless cousins
  marital status.     Engaged

  mbti.     INFP-T
  likes.     Thunderstorms, Animals, Gardening, Romantic tomes, Cooking, Warm beverages, Sour foods, Autumntime
  dislikes.     Most sweets, Bright light, Humid days
  flaws.    Over-emotional, Erratic, Prone to anger

  personality.     Goti'a is fairly soft-spoken on first meeting. It can be difficult to get him to come out of his shell, especially if you're particularly extroverted yourself. He prefers to keep to himself most of the time, and will interact by proxy through those he knows already if applicable. Please do not feel offended if he appears standoffish or upset by interaction, it's just the way he is. He never means to come off as rude, but his social battery is very limited.Oldest of a litter of 5, he has a very brotherly air about him, in the way he carries himself, and how he treats others.Goti'a finds beauty in the things that others would consider morbid, and this comes across in his personality in more than a few obvious ways. Although he has a few screws loose, he does best when indoors, playing his fiddle, or just sitting around the hearth talking while stew's on.

It's like a night, night, crawler, crawlin' out in the yard.


one. Due to his larger than usual fangs and slight overbite, he speaks with a prominent lisp. This worsens when he is upset.two. Speaks with what could be considered a stereotypically cajun accent.three. He can't spell very well.four. Due to his missing eye, he struggles with depth perception, high light areas, and general focus.five. Plays the fiddle. Sings if he needs to.six. Prone to worship based delusion.


Rainy Runway - KIRINJIToo Old To Die Young - Timber TimbreMy Light Heaven - Ben BabbittTakashi - Flying LotusMother Nature's Bitch - Okay KayaNurse Cafe - Susumu HirasawaTender as a Tomb - TennisBlack Water - Timber Timbre

Fester in the daytime hours.

aether & magic.

  • low aetherpool.

Due to an incident when he was a growing kit, his aether output was slightly lower than his siblings. Not to the point of severe impairment, but enough to be noticeable.As an adult, and through the use of hard drugs, his aether has only continued to wane— to the point of mild disability.As of recently- he is now sober, and is slowly improving.

physical combat.

  • tooth and nail. Untrained and unstable, if you get him to a place where physical intervention is needed, his oversized fangs and sharp claws are more than enough to defend himself. In most situations.

  • knifeplay. A gifted dagger embossed with his family insignia, this knife doesn’t do much mortal damage, but does leave the victim’s flesh feeling slightly chilled.

  • fighting style. Erratic and unadjusted, he usually comes away from fights just as injured as the party he’s attacking. The best line of action would be to stay out of scuffles that involve him at all.

secondary skills.

  • homegrown cook. growing up in a large litter lends itself to learning how to support a home from an early age. Although his food lacks fancy plating or general aesthetic beauty, he is talented at cooking.

  • decorative carpentry. though self-taught, he has become fairly interested in the art of carving—mostly working on intricate caskets and urns.

other skills.

  • sewing. he is no prodigy, but he can do fairly intermediate repairs, and has made simple garments from time to time.

  • musically inclined. originally marked to be his clan’s bandleader once he became of age, he is a very skilled fiddle player and dancer— the latter less so after damaging his hip.

  • good with kids. helping to raise his sisters’ children was no easy feat, but his generally low energy demeanor makes caring for younglings fairly easy for him.


  • keen sense of smell.

  • moderate physical strength.

  • moderate pain tolerance.

  • strong jaw.

fighting with him is essentially like fighting a large predator animal, and he should be treated as such.


  • uncoordinated.

  • littered with bodily weak spots.

  • prone to rage.

  • unskilled with weapons.

can be felled just as simply as any large predator animal if you have the right tools.

social skills☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆


Pousse des ecchymoses.

Je suis dans les égouts

Je mange dans les égouts.

These are just silly little ideas to help you get a feel for the type of person Goti’a is— please feel free to present your own!hook one. Being the eldest of a large litter has its perks, including learning how to cook fairly well from a young age. Let Goti'a cook you a nourishing meal of his choosing, he may even let you help if you ask politely...hook two. Always out and about at the wrong time it seems, you find him mushroom hunting in the rain. Surely you wouldn't mind lending a hand, after being taught how to forage in The Shroud without angering the Elementals of course.hook three. Perhaps your character has an interest in learning of traditional Gridanian Burial Rites? Keeper of the Moon mourning practices? Goti'a will walk you through the history of funeral practices common to the city-state, and his own home clan. If you're lucky you may get a live demonstration.hook four. Do you have little ones that need to be cared for? Need help being taught the correct way to care for little ones? Goti’a is more than well versed in nannying, so you can go out or your date…or whatever it may be.